HyperSTAR(TM) is an object oriented family of products that provides simplified connectivity between a wide variety of off-the-shelf and proprietary client and server environments.

With HyperSTAR, you can use hundreds of UNIX or Microsoft Windows front-end tools and applications, such as Visual Basic, PowerBuilder, Excel and Word Perfect, together with your relational and non-relational databases.

(*) HyperSTAR's client products enable programmers to build efficient, portable client/server applications using a rich set of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that meet the need of DDE, ODBC, and C/C++ application developers.

(*) HyperSTAR's servers support over 30 different platforms and offer independence from database, operating system, and network protocols. Available for Ingres. DB2, Oracle, Sybase, Informix, uniVerse, and others. HyperSTAR servers include support for database access and manipulation, transactions, error handling, extended data types, and other database-specific features.

Kathy Kane

Business Dev. Manager